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A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-hours



Expert ship surveyor Don Butler shares a lifetime’s ship repair costing experience in this unique resource for accurate cost estimation and planning Includes hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation


  • ISBN: 9780080982625
  • Páginas: 136
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Disponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man-hours

Key Features

    Made up of very hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation
    Produced for marine engineers and marine industry professionals to save time, aid in repair negotiation and help companies to plan more reliably
    Man-hour listings assist in long-term pricing, meaning the book content remains valid regardless of currency, rate fluctuation or inflation


Expert ship surveyor Don Butler shares a lifetime’s ship repair costing experience in this unique resource for accurate cost estimation and planning

    Includes hard to come by information on typical ship repair labor expectations for accurate man-hour forecasting and cost estimation

    Produced for marine engineers and marine industry professionals to aid with repair specification and negotiation, helping you to plan work and budgets more reliably

    Uses man-hours as opposed to particular rates or currencies, providing a long-term model for pricing regardless of location, rate fluctuation or inflation

Bringing together otherwise scattered details on specific repair and dry-docking activities, this invaluable guide will save you time and improve the accuracy of your ship repair estimates. Don’t plan or commission work without it!

Don Butler is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineers and a member of Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors, UK.


Marine engineers and other marine industry professionals involved in planning and costing repairs to ships and marine vessels. Students of naval architecture and marine engineering; Ship crew, ship surveyors and related technical/engineering groups.

Table of Contents

Dry-docking works: Berth preparation;
Shifting of blocks after docking vessel;
Docking and undocking;
Dock rent per day; Dock services;
Hull preparation;
Hull painting;
Rudder works;
Tailshaft. Steel Works:
Hull steel repairs.
Pipe works: Pipe work renewals in schedule 40 steel;
Pipe work renewals in schedule 80 steel;
Pipe work renewals in copper;
Hot dip galvanising after manufacture.
Mechanical works: Overhauling diesel
Top overhaul; Cylinder covers;
Cylinder liners; Bearing survey;
Crankshaft deflections & crankcase doors;
Four stroke, Trunk type, Main engines;
Gear boxes of Medium speed engines;
Overhauling valves: line valves,
 pressure valves;
Main condenser;
Main steam Turbines;
Flexible coupling;
Auxiliary Steam Turbines;
Turbo Alternator;
Feed Pumps;
Oil Tanker Cargo Pump;
 Air Compressors;
Air Receivers;
Electrical Works: Insulation resistance tests;
Electric motors;
Electric generators;
Running and installing electric cables;
Installing junction boxes;
Running and installing cable conduit.
General works: Tank cleaning;
 Removal of tank manhole cover for access and refitting with new cover joint; pumping out of bilge water or slops into shore facility per tonne;
Hand cleaning of bilge areas or inside tanks per square metre;
Hand scraping of internal steel areas per square metre;
Tank testing by low pressure compressed air;
Tank testing by filling with sea water.

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